100artworks gallery with graffiti artists
Ala Webstatt pixelpeople for free: a really nice site
Alejandro IV Barragan there's something deep, dark and rough about his work that I like!
Alternative Tentacles music label: Jello Biafra, Nomeansno, Lard and others
Axel Thiel An analyse of «creative addicts»
Bombing Science: Graffiti Webzine & Store Daily graffiti pictures and news.
Bozaci, Ata / Atalier graphic, webdesign, 3d, animations, games, cartoons
Bruce Mau ein Manifest aber nicht einfach irgendein Manifest
Bullets of Autumn illustration, graphic design, html websites, graffiti art and more
Bureau Destruct graphic design, fonts and a lot more
Can 2 graffiti: the flash intro is already worth a visit boyeeees and flygirls: check it out!
Casarramona graphic design and illustration, Switzerland in full effect: a must see.
Chapter 3 emotionalabstracts, beautiful!
Chalet, François comics, animation, illustration and graphic design
Chmork.net graphic design, coding
Cityfox graffiti: fresh stuff from Switzerland
Culturedesign Chris Adams and Melinda Nelsons site: refreshing, breathing
De:bug electronic music, electronic lifestyle, new media, opinionleader
Derush design and clothes: bringing cutting edge design down to street level.
Die Gestalten Verlag graphics, web, motion, dgv publishing
Dr. Alderete the page of Jorge Alderete: illustration, comics, animation and much more
Eidgenössisches Amt für das Handelsregister Central Business Names Index
Escalate an experiment in digital photography, new media design and the visual culture
Futura 2000 originally he was into graffiti, but now
he's too crazy for a human being.
Fernsehserien.de cult tv-episodes: Captain Future, Kimba, The White Lion and, and [german]
Handycrafted pixels conceptual new media and designer-crossroad
hungryfordesign Nando Costa and his amazing style: our appetite grows, Nando :)
ifg, Institut für Graffiti-Forschung Institut, Graffiti-Forschung, Graffiti-Archiv, HipHop-Gallery
ige, Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum about trade marks and patents
Jazi a very good graffiti site: absolutely worth a check!
Kabeljau graphic design and more
Käptn Vau and crew for cosy winternights and hot summerdays: el lokal! [german]
Kitty-yo music label: Louie Austen, Taylor Savvy, Raz Ohara, Maximilian Hecker and others
Kuratle Sandra / Amok skirts for men
Licht-Blick Decorations (well, that doesn't really describe their lightening creativity)
Mahlzeit small but nice and cool site: skateboarding, snowboarding, fashion
Nofence graffiti: excellent swiss site
Norm graphic design, fonts and more
Overkill graffiti: coming strong
P*Star not just any ego portfolio. By Pascal C. Baumann: vector, draw, logo, ads, screen
Skim.com communication and fashion
Surfstation inspiration becomes innovation, a graphic design network crossroad
Taskforce KMU excellent portal for tips and trick for smallscale businesses [german]
Tupe Strojarne design, community, fresh, news, desktops, submit, download
Utopix new media design, interactif catalogues, database publishing, e-commerce
Waldschule St. Gallen free learning: some think it will be the future of education (I do!)
Yummy Industries GmbH crazy guys, cool guys! illustration, product design, crazy concepts