«Just victims of the in-house drive-by
They say jump, you say how high
Ya standin' in line
Believin' the lies
Ya bowin' down to the flag
Ya gotta bullet in ya head» (Rage against the machine)
INTRO 11-04-06
Coming out of a new attitude:
PETER NIS not just another fashion label.
PETER NIS a symbol reminding you every day of the truly
important things in life: time. love. creativity. death. spirit.
The new edtion is out now: check it out... >> more

Some of my latest projects include:
- CI for Uschi Niederer, Craniosacral Therapist http://www.nuschika.ch
- Graffiti for the kitchen of the Merian Iselin Spital, Basel
- Update website http://www.onvalues.ch
- Poster for the .RF, the magazine of the red factory in Zurich - Illustration for the .RF, the magazine of the red factory in Zurich
- one animation and one slide show for «THE RETURN OF FAB. DUB CLUB»,
- Dub Club / DJ Whitemoon, St. Gallen
Just a few of my ongoing projects or projects to come soon:
- update follows eventually
If people would have more power, would there be the same wars going on in our world?
Lömme aka Rodschaaa (just another fallen angel)