We (Roger Le Marié & network) offer good design. Offering good design means creating a
hundred percent appropriate content presented in an optimal form to an affordable price.
Of course you can also say in a thousand words what above is broken down to one sentence
that could make you reflect upon for hours:
The perfect Solution
Good design is about finding the one good solution, a perfect solution. Good solutions are
most often very simple. Very simple in a way that - seeing them - you think by yourself: why did
I not have this idea: it is so obvious. Well, actually it is not «so obvious». Usually it needs a lot
of work and energy to get simple. That is what people often cannot see: the result is simple, so
why pay that much? But the way to get there took more effort than to realize a first, mediocre idea (that by the way looks also simple but is not a good solution).
Openess for the New
Good solutions often need a great deal of openess. Openess to find new ways to think,
exploring like a child, playing with things, doing the same thing not one time in perfection but
a thousand times until you do it in a perfect way. Subconcious. Doing it in another way. Do
it together. Seeing things different. Questioning ways to think and act, changing your point
of view all the time. That way sometimes you find unconventional yet great solutions.
Still you have to focus on the core of things. Not loosing yourself in details, but still paying great
attention to every detail. This is what most people cannot distinguish. That is quality.
Content and Form
Analyze the good, old, wellknown components «content» and «form». Content is transported
function, knowledge or joy in time, form is the packaging in which you deliver the content. Form
can (and good design often will) support content and vice versa. Both have to be optimal for
a predefined purpose and appropriate for each other. Interesting form without content is soon
boring. Great content presented in a bad form doesnt make you want to explore it. Great content with a perfect form at the wrong time in the wrong place is worth nothing. (See: nothing that you didn't know already).
This is what we believe in. This is what we live. This is what always had success. This is what al-
ways will have success. It's a process over time. A way of thinking. A way of life. A way of being.