Dear Wanderer
If you thought to find any graffiti done by myself on this site I have to disappoint you now.
I have never done big graffiti stuff but however am very fascinated by this paintings since a
long time. I adore this artwork created overnight by mysterious, unknown shadows you
never get to see.
This page is more about my own pictures of american graffiti that I have taken as early
as of 1986. Since there is quite some material on the net already I try to focus here on some,
as far as I know, unpublished material. If you know better please let me know.
Some of the shown paintings actually belong in several categories at the same time. They
will first be published under «fresh stuff». Later they will go into the category they belong to
(e.g.: stain_01 is an old school piece as well as unpublished. So you'll find it first in the category «fresh stuff», later in «old school»).
If you are interested in any of the shown pictures you don't have to steal them, you can as
well just >contact me as I'm always interested in some picture trading and publishing.
All the shown pictures are taken by myself and stay of course strictly under my copyright.
I see this gallery as an important cultural recording and explicedly do not want to encourage
anybody to do american graffiti as in most cases they are done illegally.
If there is by chance a picture of your graffiti in the following collection don't ask me to take
it off the net if you cannot proove that its publishment heavily endangers you as a person.
Please understand that it took years to accumulate all the material, enjoy them with me but
do not prompt me for any information as I have no idea who the creators of the pieces are
and I have also no recording of when and where exactly I have taken the pictures.
And now follow me into a fascinating world of colors, peace.