What do you think?
What happened to Bruno Manser?
Who knows what my female idol and «main bitch» Cora E. is up to? Missing to hear from you!
I hope, that all soldiers come back alive and in good health from this war (Irak 03)! And I
ask all Moms of this world, that love their sons and daughters: How long do you want to wait
to come together and stand up and stop useless suffering of your children? How much longer
do you want to suffer yourself? Your feelings and especially your united power is much
stronger than any hate and political establishment in this world could ever be. So how much
longer do we have to wait how much longer do you want to wait to finally unite and make
some noise?
What is going on in the Chechen Republic right now? Is there still war?
What is going on in Afghanistan at the moment (spring 2003)? Does the political system
work? Do they have enough food and clean water? Is there an economy shaping up? Don't
you want to know about these things, too? Why are there no media reports about this?
Is this (2003: Irak / Hussein) not THE chance of the United States to enforce the power
of the United Nations (UNO) and thus become a kind of hero and true peace leader (= fighter
against terrorism!) for the coming centuries?
Is it right to just remain silent deliberately about jewish bank accounts opened in the time of
world war two for decades instead of searching for their owners or at least publishing them?
Do you think present and future generations can be held responsible for what happened de-
cades ago?
The Swiss are known and often criticized for always adopting a middle course in what-
ever field be it politics, culture or another area. But the Swiss are originally a folk of a lot of
different small farmer-groups gathering together for more strength against their enemies
surrounding them at that time (13th century). Thus it is our culture to find a peaceful golden
mean together to survive and be stronger. Do you believe this is a curse in our times or
could this even be a strategy of survival and the reason to be not involved in wars for a
long time?
Has America its main goal in Afghanistan to neutralize Bin Laden achieved?
What happened to the Anthrax-cases
Was a responsible found? Why did they stop as
suddenly as they appeared? Are we save now? Could this happen again? Do we care?
With the attack of Afghanistan after the 11th of September 2001, got more terrorists rendered
innocuous by the American President G.W.Bush or did he in contrary create more people
willing to be terrorists?
What would have happened if the Americans had stayed at home in world war two instead of
helping the allies to free Europe?
If you sue a folk for staying silent for decades about jewish bank accounts from world war
two and if you sue a folk about helping an apartheid regime, when do you start sueing folks for
decades of slave-trade and killing thousands of slaves in their fields and when do you start
sueing a folk for using one of the most terrible weapons ever created by a human being - the
atom bomb - on another folk?
As of 1945 up to the present there was and still is a kind of tabu to actually use nuclear
weapons in wars. Nobody has done it for over 50 years now. However I have this fear that
the first (ab-) use of a nuclear weapon in a war will take this tabu away. And there are quite
some conflicts between nuclear powers (Kashmir: Pakistan / India, North Korea, USA / Irak,
Irak / Israel
) at the moment. I, Roger Le Marié, foresay, that the next agressive nuclear
explosion will be the legitimation for future nuclear wars. Let's all hope, it will never happen!
Do you think right- (and left-!) wingism has more to do with world war two or more about
a way of thinking, a way of accepting other human beings, their thinking and their talents,
their outlook and their customs and of having a positive future-vision or not?
Write any comments to rlm@rogerlemarie.ch