We (Roger Le Marié and network) offer the services
1. Concept
2. Design
3. Production Control
4. Life Control
in following domains:
A. Graphic Design
B. Graffiti
C. Webdesign
1. Concept
A good concept is the beginning of every design process. A great idea to realize a given
goal in a given time in an appropriate and professional way. Good concepts rare as real good
friends and copied in a twinkle.
2. Design
A good concept deserves a good design. A perfect suitable form for a defined content, being
the content, supporting the content, complementing the content a good design most often strikes
with its beauty, simplicity, functionality or because of its excellent functionality steps back in
a way that you hardly notice it.
3. Production Control
A good design deserves a good realization. Therefore we control production processes up to
the finished product, thus being able to guarantee a perfect realization of our design.
4. Life Control
A good realization deserves respect and maintenance. Design is not finished with the delivered
product. Design for us is a process over time.
We believe that too often concepts stay too theoretical. But design is a kind of language that
interacts with the end-consumer and often works slightly different in real life than originally inten-
ded. We observe and control product life cycles to get an optimal feedback on how to even
improve an already good design.
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A. Graphic Design
We believe that it doesn't matter so much what has to be designed, it's more a question of need
for good design, a clear vision and a radical approach to get the best result ever possible.
Our experience in «classical design» reaches from the design of logomarks and logotypes
to complete stationaries, corporate design, corporate identity, editorial design, all sorts of cards, flyers, posters, bags, compact disc design, packaging design, design for textiles, back-lit trans-
parencies and booth building and design for fairs.
We have also done some 3-dimensional cards and calendars, bodypainting, jewellery design,
photography, illustration and multimedia shows.
Still we look for new challenges: There's a lot of ideas and a lot left to learn. We would be
interested in jobs for music groups, book design, theatre stage design, music video clips
B. Graffiti
Originally coming from the Basle old school graffiti scene we call legal «american graffiti»
actually «spraycanart». Though the result looks nearly the same spraycanart can most often
be executed in silence and with more time thus getting exacter results offering also possibilities
to experiment and push the frontiers of what can possibly done with a 400ml spraycan.
C. Webdesign for small-scale businesses
Webdesign still is a fairly young field in communication design. Because of its accessability
over the internet and its non-linear functionality it is a great challenge and still needs some
exploration and experimentation to find optimal ways of usability.
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